Most people refer to dreadlocks as permanent dreadlocks. In your mind they seem permanent however they are removable (in most cases). Removable, depends solely on the method used at installation and the method used throughout your journey. So we prefer to use the term ‘semi permanent’.

Dreadlocks are for everyone. No one culture, race or hair type ‘qualifies’ to have dreadlocks. It is a very personal choice and so it is important to gather all of the information you need, beforehand, to make an informed choice.

It is just as important to get your dreadlocks installed by someone who has dreadlocks. Ideally by someone with the same hair type as yourself. That way there is no confusion with installation and aftercare.

Dreadlocks can make you or break you so be sure to take your journey in your stride. Select the Loctitian you feel most comfortable with and who delivers projects that you resonate with. Clear communication is key. So if you do NOT want your scalp showing then be sure to let your Loctitian know.

Contact us to discuss your upcoming dreadlock project.